Our Adventures in Madison Wisconsin
August 14th, 2006 at 9:07 pm
Posted by Boone in General

The Global TravelerFarmers Market

Madison, Wisconsin now has a “Cow Parade” going on throughout the city. There are 101 different cow sculptures uniquely painted by local artists. The majority of the artwork relates to Wisconsin, cows/farming, or Madison specifically. Some artists even manage to tie in all three themes. Jess and I went around this past weekend and had our picture taken with ALL of them. Yes, All of them. Actually, thats not true. We did miss 8 of the cows. 3 are touring Wisconsin and are not yet in Madison, and 5 were “out to pasture” for repair. We will post more pictures of our Cow Excursion, but for now, here are two of our favorites. We hope you enjoy.