Our Adventures in Madison Wisconsin
September 4th, 2009 at 4:28 pm
Posted by Jess in General,Madison stuff

I can’t believe it’s Labor Day already. Even though we had a quiet summer, we are still wondering where it went.

We got back from CA a few weeks ago (you can see pictures using the link on the right) and it was a great trip. I was a little worried that the nine of us might not get a long, considering we all have different life styles and travel preferences, but it really was a lot of fun.

September is super busy for us. Right now, Boone’s parents are in town and then head to Necedah for their annual bow shoot weekend. Then we head to Milwaukee for a weekend, then my ten-year reunion, and then to La Crosse for Oktoberfest. We are really excited to spend the month spending time with people who we haven’t seen in a long time.

It’s almost time for lunch and a trip to the Henry Vilas Zoo, so I better run. Happy Labor Day everyone!

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