Our Adventures in Madison Wisconsin
October 29th, 2007 at 10:21 pm
Posted by Jess in Madison stuff

Boo! It’s almost Halloween here in Madison, but as you know, the biggest party was last weekend.

We had a few people come into town and stay with, for an afternoon of grilling and the Badger game, and then an evening of drinks and downtown. We hadn’t planned on going to State street, but the majority of our party had not been there for Halloween before, so we got dressed up, picked some designated drivers, and headed out early. We had a couple of hippies, an army general, two badger fans, a brick layer, a school girl, a witch, a horrible badminton accident, and Miss Freakfest (you were lovely Josie).

It wasn’t as crazy as the years Boone and I had been to, but everyone still seemed to be having a good time and our guests were amazed at the spectical. We had to wait in line to get tickets, then wait in line to get onto State Street, but we didn’t have to wait in line to get into the bars. We loved seeing all the costumes, including a pack of hungry hippos, Mario and Luigi chasing a star, and a dead-ringer for Brett Belima (seriously, I wanted to congratulate him on the game!)

You can say what you want about the city’s attempts (Does it actually cost more? Is it really safer? Does it hurt business?) but we had a good time anyway. The police we saw did a good job and the bands were nice to listen to. Until next year, we’ll just have to settle for the parties that go on around football and basketball seasons. Go Bucky!