Our Adventures in Madison Wisconsin
January 7th, 2008 at 12:19 am
Posted by Jess in General,Madison Hot Spots

Happy New Year everyone! Boone and I celebrated the beginning of 2008 with a delicious dinner at Jon & Mel’s place, and then we headed downtown with them and Matt for a few drinks. We stopped at Natt Spill, a cool, dark bar with a great DJ, and then we headed to Brocchas, one of our favorite Irish bars. They had Rock Star Gomeroke, a live band karaoke group called the Gomers. It was great because even though the singer may not have been great, the band was rockin’ and everyone had a great time. We got home late, but were still functional to next day to watch the Badgers fight hard (but still lose) and to visit with my aunt Nancy and my cousins Carrie & Mark.

I thought about some New Year’s resolutions, but I don’t know that either of us have a solid one. I’d like to quit chewing my nails, but it hasn’t worked the past dozen times, so there is no pressure. I’d also like to try to find a workout that I actually enjoy or budget my money better (those darn sales at Borders get me every time). With the new year, the possibilities seem endless…

Boone, Jess, and Mel with PowersMatt and his date, GuinessThe capitolJon & Jess