Our Adventures in Madison Wisconsin
November 13th, 2006 at 3:31 pm
Posted by Boone in General,Madison stuff

Hey yall, Boone here. Many of you probably felt the pre-winter frustration this past Friday. Here in Madison, WI we only received around 2 inches of snow. That was bad enough. However, back in Osseo, WI, they received a whopping 16 1/2 inches. If you had ever wondered, “How much snow does it take to stop the United States Postal Service?” I would like to assure you…that it takes 16 1/2 inches.

I am just not ready for winter…yet. 

The snow was perfect for snowman mass production, but it is not going to stick around. My guess, it will be December before we see snow with lasting effects.

Friday’s storm just caught me off guard. Especially since my new Bimmer still has its performance Summer tires on it. This is the first car I have owned with rear wheel drive and Friday’s dumping was my first experience with rear wheel and snow. How was my experience? Lets just say, I want my snow tires on before the next snow storm hits.

Drive safe and wish me luck!