Our Adventures in Madison Wisconsin
July 28th, 2009 at 2:16 pm
Posted by Jess in General

Things have been unusually quiet for us lately – and that’s ok. Boone and I survived our May & June weddings, and have spent most of the months of June and July in Madison. It’s like we actually live here. We got to doing the things we don’t often get to do, like the Art Fair on the Square and gatherings with Boone’s co-workers. We’ve gone to the farmer’s market, cooked interesting things with veggies in our CSA box, and spent many nights hanging out with our friends. My sister spent a weekend with us a couple weeks ago, and Rick & jan came down last weekend to catch Rick’s first Brewer game in Miller Park. It’s really been a lovely summer so far.

Boone is doing really well with his side business. A new projects here and there are helping with our house/sabbatical fund, and work has been keeping me pretty busy too. I finish the next release this week, which means a little less stress and a little more reading time. I am just finishing Michael Perry’s Truck and have a shelf full of other things to read. (darn those Border’s coupons!)

August and September look a little less quiet; a trip to California with friends, trip to Milwaukee to see old friends, possible camping trip with Jon & Mel, my ten-year high school reunion, Boone’s annual bow shoot, and some time on the porch with my family. I’m glad we got in all that rest time. 🙂