Our Adventures in Madison Wisconsin
October 1st, 2008 at 5:28 pm
Posted by Boone in General,House hunting

It has been quite some time since I posted anything here. Both of us have been really busy lately, busy and rather boring. Our big excitement last weekend was cleaning our condo. …and I mean CLEANING our condo. We cleaned top down left right left right a b a b a start and then some. We even gave our hardwood floors, that we love so much, the cleaning trifecta of sweep, swiffer, and wax.

Perhaps it was the (are-you-good-golly-serious) Badger’s loss on Saturday, but we found ourselves motivated and extra productive. We even added the garage to our cleaning hit list, as we still had concrete powder everywhere from our concrete countertop project a month ago. The place looked as if we had brought in a CSI team to dust for prints. (…none were found). Thankfully, we got all the dust off and out and are once again able to comfortably park two cars with workspace.

Who knows what exciting series of events this weekend will bring, GoodWill donation run, laundry room make-over, Bed Bath & Beyond. I don’t know if there will be enough time.

Actually, our place is really nice now and we are thrilled to finally have it spotless. If you are lucky enough to have “Fall” open those windows, take a walk, pick some apples, carve a pumpkin, kick-back with a cup of hot cider, and have a great week!